
March 30, 2009, 9:46 am
Filed under: Devotions


by Caleb Hancock

You guys know what I’m talking about. You pull off of the interstate, you’re about to get to the stop light at the end of the ramp before you make your turn, and you see him. A man stands in the median with a cardboard sign, “Will work for food.”

While we might not be advertising our desires on the back of old boxes, I have found that mine, and I believe, every human heart, has a default setting of trying to earn God’s forgiveness and favor. We recognize that something is wrong in the way we relate to God, and we take it upon ourselves to address the problem. But what does scripture say?

Is it really dependent on our performance how God relates to us? Can we, because of what we do, put God in a place where he is obligated to forgive us and bless us because we have obeyed him?

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FINISHING WELL by 3rd Degree
March 23, 2009, 5:32 am
Filed under: Devotions


by Caleb Hancock

I recently had the pleasure to eat dinner with a man who has been in Christian ministry for over 50 years. While it was an honor and privilege to hear this man’s experiences and to hear his views on important theological and ecclesiological concepts, it was more encouraging to simply view this man’s love for God’s word. How he was daily benefitting from spending time reading the Scriptures and preaching the gospel to himelf. This reminded me that, as a young man, the battle will rage and continue to be important until my dying day to remember what is of first importance. It’s not what impact I can make on my church or family, it’s not how badly I have screwed up and trying to minimize it, it’s not the daily tasks and roles that I fill. Rather, the most important daily task that I can and should contemplate and remind myself of is the good news of God’s grace shown to ill-deserving sinners like myself through the cross of God’s son, Jesus. Because He lived without  sin as my representative, because He hung on a cross experiencing the full weight of God’s holy wrath against sin, and because God graciously opened my eyes to see and believe these truths, I am forgiven of all my sin and credited with Christ’s perfect record! This is the gospel! And there is no more important truth to apply to one’s own soul than this. It brings peace, joy, humility, true-wisdom, and unsearchable other benefits as well! I now have peace with God, not based on my performance!

Seeing this older man’s love for these truths, and the life of faithful service, motivated by God’s grace that resulted, fired me up to want to finish well. Whatever my future holds, whatever God has planned for me in the days remaining to me here on earth, I want to pursue holiness with the cross of Christ always before me.

Let me encourage and exhort you to the same mission. Let’s follow this man’s example, as the example of so many Christian leaders in years past and present, and finish our course well!


  • If you’re in school, seek to finish this semester excellently for God’s glory. Be faithful to study and diligent in your school-work that you might excel.
  • If you are an employee, seek to honor and support the leadership of your boss and to be a faithful and diligent worker, as unto the Lord.
  • If you are the head of a household, seek to serve and lead your family toward godliness, through laying your life down for them.
  • For all, serve in your local church! Serve with joy and humility the body that God has blessed you to be a part of.

In all these things, look to Christ, the author and perfecter of your faith and run with renewed strength each day.

Anselm’s Ontological Argument by Justin Day
March 14, 2009, 7:14 pm
Filed under: Philosophy, Thought Initiative


by Justin Day

In his epic work Proslogion St. Anselm of Canterbury argued that God was a necessary being and that he could show it. Anselm said that God, given his nature, must exist. His argument went as follows:

  1. It is a conceptual truth (or, so to speak, true by definition) that God is a being than which none greater can be imagined (i.e., the greatest possible being that can be imagined).
  2. God exists as an idea in the mind.
  3. A being that exists as an idea in the mind and in reality is, other things being equal, greater than a being that exists only as an idea in the mind.
  4. Thus, if God exists only as an idea in the mind, then we can imagine something that is greater than God (i.e., a greatest possible being that does exist).
  5. But we cannot imagine something that is greater than God (for it is a contradiction to suppose that we can imagine a being greater than the greatest possible being that can be imagined.)
  6. Therefore, God exists.

So what do you guys think? Does it show that God exists? Is it a trick of words?

Why Complementarianism? | Gender Roles by Tyler Thayer
March 5, 2009, 2:22 am
Filed under: Thought Initiative | Tags: ,


by Tyler Thayer

Have you ever laughed at the differences between men and women? You should.  On ManSpeak we often jest about the “realms of men” and the “realms of women.”  But aside from cultural stereotypes, jokes, and the basic miscommunication between sexes, the Church debates about how significant gender roles are. Usually, people fall into one of two categories: egalitarianism or complementarianism.

Complementarianism bases its argument in Genesis 2, the creation story.  In verse 18 God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him.”  Though verse 18 says that woman was made to be a “helper fit for him,” it does not state that woman has any less value or claim to the image of God than man does, and vise-versa. Instead, complementarianism holds that men and women are equal in value, because both their identities are found within the image of God (Genesis 1:27). In addition, their inheritance is equal, and both are sealed by the Spirit as a guarantee of their inheritance and transformed heart (2 Corinthians 1:22).

At the same time, complementarianism brings a distinction to the roles of men and women. Men and women are equal in image and value but distinct in role. Titus 2:1-6 teaches,

“But as for you, teach what accords with sound doctrine. Older men are to be sober-minded, dignified, self-controlled, sound in faith, in love, and in steadfastness. Older women likewise are to be reverent in behavior, not slanderers or slaves to much wine. They are to teach what is good, and so train the young women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled, pure, working at home, kind, and submissive to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be reviled. Likewise, urge the younger men to be self-controlled.”

Scripture further teaches that the marriage between a man and woman should reflect the marriage between Christ and his bride, the Church. 

“Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church, his body, and is himself its Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit in everything to their husbands.” (Ephesians 5:22-24)

We at ManSpeak believe God sees us, men and women, as equal bearers of his image, yet the roles we take on in the church, family, and the world are distinct.  

ManSpeak wants to know what your questions are.  We want to know what questions are going through your mind on the subject of gender roles and complementarianism. 

Challenge us…ask us anything that comes to mind when you think about this subject.

[This is not just for the guys, but all ladies who read the blog, what questions and/or doubts do you have?]

Devotional for Christian Mountain-climbers by 3rd Degree
March 2, 2009, 5:40 am
Filed under: Devotions


by Caleb Hancock

Do you love to see views like this?:


Have you ever seen them in person?

Well, for today’s devotional, head on over to John Piper’s blog via the link below and enjoy this excellent post and gaze on “Mount Everest”.

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